October 10, 1984
The Caucasus, Terskol

        It is necessary to be humble and to tremble before the Lord and Light, because you can perish at any moment. Exactly this humility and this trembling create special, broad gentle attitude, foreboding the Soul in other man. Your position is the position of the having found the truth forever, and that is why, the right one forever.

        You have nor humility, no your own guilt. You want the world to give you the testimony of that you believe in and that you take it as a banner in your personal hands. If you really have realized all the difficulty of becoming the Soul, if you have worked yourself, would you demand it from the others? No, you would through your confession and prayer, through your own magnificence of Soul, but not with the waiting of another’s magnificence have treated the world. You’re investigating, comparing, despising, indignant behavior is the consequence of love to yourself, carrying Light.

        You move, as you moved before, when you lived according to the earthly lows and norms. You, mastered, demanded, had a certain result at work, giving your self-respect. But here, in order to see something in another, you need to have it in yourself, even in a lesser degree. If you don’t have it, you try to compensate it by a constant demand from the others. The work at you is being replaced by the rebellion against the people, blaming them, dissatisfaction by them.

        Have you noticed, that if person treats you not as the Soul, he is, as a rule, cold, cruel, he testifies you in the name of his own ideal? Have you noticed, that you really becoming an idiot behind him? Looking at you, with the knowing eyes, her bears a labored image of you, and through some time you begin to behave yourself with this person, as he has expected. He called it in you. He has programmed you, he has such sovereign criticizing, expecting position, that willy- nilly you have turned in his cliche.

        When one demands the manifestation of the Soul in the others, he wants it for himself, and when one foresees the Soul in another man, it can be said, that he has It in himself.

        The Buddha was afraid of his relatives, when his wife and farther asked him: “Why can’t you become a Buddha in the palace”. He answered: ”In the palace there was a lot of those, who gave evidence to me of my old image!” In this case your testimony to another of his own image doesn’t allow him to be born as a Buddha. Even I had to service you at the beginning. Your expectation had so strongly cliched! That is why then I began to fight with you: when your expectation came on me, I was by will switched off from it, remaining in my inner interaction with the world of the Souls. One is afraid of approaching to you, afraid of that you will cliche the expecting so strongly, that it is possible to get into your cliche, it will grip as a vice, feeding by “high” position. And now you are listening to me appreciating, not participating with me. Are you preparing a new vice for me?

        This is the principle of your life. You always lived so, but now you have to change it.

        You don’t develop a female principle in you. Faithfully you have taken into the ownership of the lower female principle, but you don’t know high female principle. But exactly high female principle represents that we call the Soul. Our Soul, our Hierarchical body consists of seven zones. This is as a standing over the head overturned man. Everything, which was low, at first one becomes at standing on his head high. The person also has seven zones, chakras (from kundalini to sahasrara). If high chakra of a person is mental, then the high of Soul is “lifted” kundalini. The Soul consists of lifted (spiritualized) principles. The evolution of a man (person) considers being male, but the evolution of the Soul considers being female.

        The genius of the mankind is mankind’s throat and mental centers – these are usually men. The mental and the throat zones of the Soul (high mental and high throat) – also, in general, are represented by men. A man, a human, who is obliged to organize, to form, to protect, to conduct, to discipline – he always in all times felt himself higher that a woman, and more responsible, and more powerful than she. But when we touch the Soul evolution, then the throat and the mental zones are low ones, but female sacral and kundalini zones are high ones. But a man didn’t get used to recede; he got used to be the first and leading. He cannot anyhow to submit, to open himself, to develop in himself a female principle of the Soul. Either he needs to incarnate as a woman or he, as Seraphim Sarovsky**, will be put in circumstances of a such physical weakness, in which he by willy -nilly, will perceive the Godmother’s influence. Either he needs to love the Mother Kali, as Ramakrishna, who, if you remember, was conducted by a female Master. Here in a lot is decided our bewilderment, our bewilderment by our life.

        It begins to be clear, why a girl – the little Godmother – had led into a temple, where the first priest came once a year. She had come where a very little one, she was brought up by the high-initiated, she was brought up in order to get the initiation of the Godmother and in order to conduct the Son of the God. To be under the leadership of such woman doesn’t mean to listen to her slavely. One needs to submit in order to absorb the vibration of high activity of her high bodies, to identify with her aura. Not for nothing three women accompanied the Jesus: the sister Maria (the 3rd Ray), the Mother Maria (the 2nd Ray) and Maria Magdalena (the 1st Ray). The bearing principle, which lowly prolongs physical life of the mankind, highly prolongs the God’s Life. And this is not an image. This is the law!

        It’s sad to see, as the men, which went near by, worked with us, suddenly turned into the stone “great” creature, serving to his selfishness. Here you need to lead in yourself female principle. Remember, in the Angel Hierarchy, ”Neopalimaya Kupina”*** (the scheme of Brahma, the scheme of higher Soul), right Angels (male Angels) low, they are intensive, active; but high, they are motionless. But left Angels (female): low, they are motionless; but high, they are intensive, light. By the visions I know, that low go the Mother of Stone (absolutely motionless, dark) and the intensive Warrior. Than comes the Godmother’s appearance, it is androgynous. Then comes pair appearance: the Mother and the Father of high vital center; She is light, He is dark. On high sacral center, She is lightening like Mother and absolutely enchained man; on the seventh plan androgynous fire Seraphims.

        The Soul in every of us consists of male and female principles. That is why we need to know, where we may bow and to admit the gift of responsibility, as a woman does, and on what stage it is necessary to show courage, not to dissolve in the female gratitude. When you need to be both weak (admitting) and strong (as the acting Higher). All the line of the Soul principle, the line of development by hierarchical structure is built that way, you need to merge with the opposite pole, in order not to have two, fighting inside of us, in order they both won’t collapse into death, but mutually complemented, flow into the life together.

        A man wants to be born! Instinctively he wants to be born as the Soul, but even this movement in himself he understands as a desire to own – and everything collapses! He needs to be born by the space, but he comes to obtain the space. And a woman, instead of the becoming active, seizes by her space the male activeness. The one is a double man, the other is a double woman, but the principle of the soul is androgynous, that is why it is eternal one.

        Here is disclosed the mystery of attraction to opposite sex. Not only to born a child, but to be born as the Soul. Here is the spiritual attraction. Here is the spiritual surviving. External contact models internal structure. Only mutual penetration for God’s sake may organize the fullness of the Soul staircase. Poor Tamara (from the poem “Demon”) was afraid of herself, when Demon came closer to her. She is his female principle. The Devil’s female principle or is afraid of him, or deceives, because of what he limps on the right leg (female leg). That is why he is devil, but not God. Having flown into Tamara, Demon would have become her and would have saved her. But she had been afraid of for herself, it means she has the percent of his programme; of egoism, of selfishness and he immediately wined her, not at all desiring his victory. He wanted his failure, he came “ready to love”, but she remembered about herself and him separately and everything perished. If had occurred the meeting of lightening, light-bearing space of Kali – the space of the Mother of Lightening, with “enchained” Prometei, if Tamara came as love to this pole, as the greatest grade of embrace of it, she could have saved his rigid structure, but she remembered his programme, and the Demon, in defiance of his wish, had loosed or, one may say, “had wined” over her.

* Demon and Tamara are main heroes of M.U. Lermontov's poem «The Demon».

** Seraphim Sarovsky is one of the greatest Russian Christian saints, who practiced the spiritual building.

*** Neopalimaya Kupina – here is the picture of L.Y. Reznik and A. Rekunenko “Neopalimaya Kupina”, reflecting the seven levels of the Angel Hierarchy. The same title has Christian icon "Neopalimaya Kupina".

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