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       In May 2003 the publishing center "Neopalimaya Kupina" published the fifth issue of "The Universalist" newspaper.


The struggle for life

Excerpts from a letter of Mahachohan, one of the three Leaders of earth and humanity (along with Manu and Christ).
     ... are we to deal with the rest of mankind, with that curse known as the "struggle for life," which is the real and most prolific parent of most woes and sorrows and of all the crimes? Why has that struggle become the almost universal scheme of the universe?

A Letter to an ex-disciple

An article from the book by Lyudmila Reznik "Revelation of the Mystery. Man-woman relations."

Onward to victory...?

Serguey Reznik
     It happened so, that the following fact had become obvious for many people: both capitalists and communists are moved by the same motive, namely the acquisition of the material well-being.

Here what it comes to!

The conversation of Ludmila Reznik with the Teodor Woolfovich, the author of the films "The Last Inch", "Diehard" and others.

Who had killed the business of Lenin?

Leonid Tsarev
     In June of 1926 N. Rerih handed the message of Mahatmas to the people commissar of foreign affair Chicherin and the casket with the Himalays soil and the note - "On the grave of our brother the Mahatma Lenin." (The Mahatma in translation from the sanscrit is "The Great Soul")

From the publishers of "The Universalist" newspaper

   Dear readers!
   Here is a new newspaper "The Universalist". It gives an opportunity to all the people with sane mind to have a look at our life and at that what is going on in our politics and society, from a fundamentally new viewpoint. Wherein does the novelty of such an approach lie? First of all an analysis of the events is carried out on the base of the reasons which have caused those events - those reasons which people are not disposed to ponder over and call all of them by such vague and prostituted - in public consciousness - terms as mystics and occultism. However neither science nor orthodox religion is able to answer the basic questions of human society development; all their hypotheses and teachings are vague and discrepant. Such themes as life after death, evolution of man in subtle worlds, sense of living, seeming unfairness in the nature are not taken seriously in any of periodicals. Why does man have to believe in God as an abstraction? All the Gods used to come to Earth in human appearance. Where have They gone then, where are They now, and can man follow their example? These and similar questions are tried to be answered by religious philosophers and the so called extrasensory individuals and sectarians. All their interpretations are manifold, discrepant and reflecting only a part of the truth. The task of our newspaper is to inform readers of a universal approach to perception of Spirituality conveyed in such fundamental sources as Holy Scriptures of different nations, theosophyc literature, books by the Tibetan and Alice A. Bailey, Himalayan Mahatmas' teaching and other authors who work in the same direction.
   The main part of the newspaper will be made up of articles written by the followers of the Universal Teaching, and of surveys of the books by a Himalayan Master Djwhal Khul (dictated through Alice A. Bailey in1953). These articles include an analysis of the world problems of vital importance and are fragments of the Universal Teaching contained in numerous books by this author.

   Our newspaper is published on voluntary donations. You can support the newspaper and the circulation of the Universal Teaching by transferring money to the following account:
   The foundation "Sodeystvie duhovnomu i gumanitarnomu razvitiyu cheloveka "Neopalimaya Kupina".
   Savings Bank of the Russian Federation
   Lublinckoye branch 7977
   Moscow, Russia
   Bank account: 40703840638250200784

   Bank correspondent
   The Bank of New York
   Account 890-0057-610
   With a note "To support a charitable program "Rasprostraneniye Universalnikh Znaniy".
© Newspaper «UNIVERSALIST», 2000-2003
© Fund «Sodeistvie duhovnomu i gumanitarnomu razvitiu cheloveka «Neopalimaya Kupina» (The Burning Bush), 2002.