June 18 1984

        When we speak about the meditative states of various heights, we speak about the reality, which we can already manifestate in kind of a pole of a certain frequency.
        In our life there are situations, when the Hierarchal Beings can manifestate themselves. This is the creativity of high mind and throat. This is the loveness of the high Godmother’s principle of a heart. This is the will-expression of the Shining Mother with Buddha’s eyes. This is the high pair – the Uranika and the Saturn – the pair of the sixth ascending.
        But here is the Mother Kali? She can’t manifestate herself anywhere in an earthly life. She can’t manifestate herself neither in creation, nor in invocation. You see She is quiet. She comes as the quietness itself, goes through destinies, untouching. She doesn’t find the plot of herself, doesn’t find the need in her. As if the whole Earth has agreed to death. Because, if it is not to be in the plots of Her Life, in this intensity of purity, naturalness, then with the end of earthly life, it will turn out, that the death expects the one, who didn’t live by Her. You see, She wasn’t in your destiny – you are not homogeneous with Her!
        The Kali stiffens in the zones of the Earth, absolutely deprived of any possibilities of movement, realization of Herself. There are no Her plots. Isn’t really the immortality necessary to the Earth? The gesture on the Earth as itself – is self-locked. It is self-important. But the Kali, as a gesture, is out of the God’s fullness can’t participate in any plot, where there is an accent on the importance of the process itself. And that is why She can penetrate neither in creation, nor in love, neither in family, nor in any other earthly plot. It turns out, that She is not necessary to the Earth, living by earthly cares. Even when the life of the Soul comes, so the Kali is of no need again. So and where do we really need the Kali? In what do we need the Kali?
        The Earth and the Kali. The mankind and the Hierarchy. The power and the Glory. The form and the Essence.
        The Kali, as the Hierarchical Being of enormous energies, is called up to re-programme the field of the Earth and the subtle bodies of a man, in order through his power, especially male one, to unite with the Glory, in order to strengthen the ring of the bodies of the Spiritual Triad to lead in it from below the might of low nature.
        It is seen well of pair meditation. A man gives powerful streams of horizontal personal energies of a doer. Here is nothing to do, he must keep so. On the Hierarchical trunk he represents low zones of doing and creating. A woman must keep the height, sense, and inspiration. Her business is to ring by this the energies up high. She gives the height, he gives the power. His solidity is given a level, in order to his unfrequent solid field turn out into the field of light-bearing intensity. The solidity comes in, the energy of might remains, the height is being kept, but the intensity of vibrations grows.
        The Kali changes the field, changes people, and gives the possibility to build these rings, these seven rings, representing the Soul and the subtle body of the Manas, the Buddhi, and the Atma. The power and the glory, aspired to the tenderness of shining and the fullness of manifestation – are in united.
        Surprisingly, how it happens! A man is in his solid structure (business-like, powerful, responsible), but a woman, conducting the Kali, breaks the hoops of his strong, but low vibrative field and raises the level. She can do it by raising the topic or even technically having changed the field, making the septenary ascending. And in him leveling up the power and the Glory, it means remains the creative manifestation of might, but with it suddenly appears the height, liberation and lightness. He energetically makes seven breathes of liberation – and creates: thinks, creates, and acts. He, as always – is in business, but only in business, liberating him, and not fixing, killing, exhausting one. The thing, that, may be, was a sin, turned out to be a source of power, additional to the Glory. septenary blazed up with the ascending sources became the Light, when the creator isn’t distrusted but even more liberated for the higher manifestations. The intensity, speed have grown, but, having taken all the power up high. This is such a real and surprising modeling! And so you really model: keep the height of the Light, takes the Power, but model the God.
        But the level of male might must agree with the level of the Glory. If the level of the might is higher than the level of the Glory, than a man will remain in sin, and even in an increased sin. That is why the Kali is important, as the highest point, which is capable to take the maximum of the might, to make it the Glory. It means, a woman must have a real interaction and identification with the light-bearing zone, than she can take the might of a man and unite it with this zone of Light-bearness, the zone of the Glory.
        Usually a man executes what he must execute. But is it often, when a woman is capable to lead this might out on the level of the inspiring Glory? If to look at it concretely, energetically, she – is such a being, who must give the energetic sound of the High. She mustn’t simply say: «You are good. You are the high Being!» she must keep the image of you on that level of absolutely concrete subtle-material substance, and where you really are this High Being. And then your might There will gush forth. The inspiration – is a subtle-material process of meditative ascent. But a woman must have in herself That Source in order to inspire the other to go There. She must be There herself.
        Here is again appears the necessity to remember about the Godmother, at the age of four having come into the Sancto Sanatorium of Jerusalem Temple, it means having come into the Hierarchy in order to get during her youth the initiation, in order having born Jesus to be able to inspire Him, to fill Him with the Soul. To-fill-with-the-Soul means to lead in the Soul, to lead in three bodies of the Spiritual Triad, to bear in him not only physical, astral and mental body, but also high subtle bodies.
        That is why again and again one has to speak about the necessity precisely to a woman to be the first to get these bodies or, as they said before, «to get the Spirit of Saint». If the Godmother’s principle disappears, than the God can’t be born. Nowadays is the time of the Mother of the World, it is important for a woman to master the ascending meditation, to know about the cosmic building of a man and about his subtle bodies. The ability to bear in these subtle bodies is so necessary for a woman, as necessary for an earthly mother the knowledge how to feed, to dress, to bring up.
        When two are met – a man and a woman, are emerging the energetically relations, absolutely concrete, yielding to analysis, observation, correlation. Here are not just emotions, not just passions, not just aesthetical and moral feelings, here – are the energies of different levels, subtle-material fields, here really are the merging of auras, the smoothing of the intensity of vibrations, a real possibility of inspiration.
        Every time, when you touch all the manifestation, you are feeling the thankfulness to the age of materialism and to all that, which have brought us not only knowing, but experimenting as well. Because by all that we have to come to the area of the High, to the area of filling with the Soul, in the area of harmonic High not like in the area of titles, not like to the area of beautiful aims o beliefs, but as in the area of real studying, as in the area of experiment, as in the area of Life.
        The touching of two – is Magic. It is the interaction of the Divine and temporary, the Essence and the form, the Hierarchical and the personal. Or, as we say, «high energies» and «low energies».
        The Kali is coming now, bringing the knowledge, opening the mysteries of experimental spiritual building, and it is sad to see, that educated, cultural women of our time, having come through all the pains of emancipation, instead of coming further in to the Hierarchical service, stopped in their development on the personal plan or into the favor of an old form of surviving became to use a man, being arranged by him, instead of executing her highest intendance – to fill with the Soul. After all she is more receptive and more sensitive than he, and the Cosmic flood comes easier in her, easier inculcate in her, becomes her. Her task is to pass this flood to a man and this is possible at his love to her, at his trust to her, at his son’s and male gratitude to her for the Light of the Soul, whom he pre-feels in her, searches for in her, even if he doesn’t know precisely about Her. He gives her the canal of acceptance, he waits for filling with the Soul, and he waits for being born himself in the Spirit.
        And a woman, as a rule, limits herself by the fact that she bears a child and then demands from a man the forming of her earthly life. It turns out to be, that the truly canal of pair interaction, oriented to the creation of the Eternal body, almost is not used. I do not speak about that one doesn’t need to bear a child or to arrange a marriage. But why is to use a canal on five percent? The truly intendance of the canal hasn’t been known.
        And a woman needs a man not only for the prolonging of the kind and earthly peace. For her Soul, for her Light the Might is necessary. And she is not only obliged to save and to lift, but and her Soul she grows with gradual lifting of all more volumes of might. You see we are growing on the resistance of the material. We master every ascending Plan of the Hierarchy, coming down to all more solid zones. And the more the Light, the more we are capable to reprogramming the solid. In general, all the contradictions, counteractions, enemies are left for us on the Earth precisely for the movement, for the DTC (the Department of technical control), for the growing of additional power of the Light. And they will disappear, when we won’t need to observe the holes in our armour and to diagnose our weakness. When all the holes in our armour disappear, and the counteraction will disappear. If will flow into the united Hierarchical body. This body, I underline it one more, represents not only the Light - despite of the darkness, but represents the Light having absorbed the fullness and the power of the low might and having dissolved and having reprogrammed it.
        «Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in .Who is the King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory, Selah.» - is said in the psalms of David. The King of the Glory is the one dominating over the Power.
        In her highest manifestation a woman needs a man as the second half of a whole ring, as in necessary counteraction at growing the power of the Light. She must want to save him in order to realize the Soul. It is especially felt at pair meditation, when you hold the ring. For example, at pair meditation with a woman, a man enters the room, and our ring is immediately filled with might. We don’t low the level, but we make the ring steady and mighty. It wasn’t before. Before, when it enters the solid field, the Light was being lost and was falling, and we fell. It means now we have the additional Glory to stand solid zones. And they feed us, and make us powerful, and we reprogramme them, making light-bearing. From day to day you feel this as developing laboratory experiment of the highest sounding on the level of all human’s destiny and the destinies of the Souls.
        In «The Gospel according to Magdalene» is said, that Adam was waiting for the coming of Heaven Maidens and the Mothers of Gods – the Mothers of the Hierarchy. Being on the Earth, he didn’t ascend to Them. They descend to Him. But Eve, the daughter of the Earth, gave him meat, and since that time he didn’t recognize the Hierarchy, he became working only on Eve. «He became sad to death», - writes Magdalene.
        A man really keeps the evolution of the mankind, and he can’t come from the Earth, because the Earth is a point of a magic, the point of a fixing, the point of a physical plan, necessary for the magic fullness of the unity of three zones: physical, soul and spiritual. But he can raise a face up and expect the one, who descend to him and ring him with the Light. It happens, when two auras are mixing: light-bearing, tender, aspiring, shining and unfrequent solid – in some third surprising organism, calling by us «The Hierarchical Ring».
        It’s a pity, a woman, as a rule, isn’t informed, and doesn’t know anything about her intendance. If she is spiritual, she is instinctively afraid of Eve’s gesture in order together with a man not to fall in that, what The Master Jesus calls «the pleasure smelling» – to fall into death.
        Because of the fact, that woman doesn’t determine herself precisely in the spiritual direction, a man has a weird sensation: «as if he can be caught». We interpret this sensation as a social fear to be responsible, as a social fear to have been in bondage. But the matter is not here. After all a man, being, potentially a soul – a soul, which is now temporary works on the Earth, and in these conditions become or not become Herself feels all the measure of danger in «catching» of such kind, when he will have to manifestate all his responsibility only low. At the same time it doesn’t mean that, when the light-bearing ring of the soul revives, he won’t be responsible or he’ll forget about his earthly businesses. But only in light-bearness all these businesses will be justified and won’t be the businesses of the ruining.
        And woman, even if in the short period of love to a man, knows, that she inspires. She feels it, she sees it, and then everything happens correctly. But the less the being is developed, and then the sooner begins the trade and the aspiring to «legalize» the relations. And as soon she begins to legalize – the inspiration ends. And here a man feels fear and sudden braking. And a woman seizes him, especially seeing his braking, be indignant, attract various social and moral laws and so on.
        Here for a woman is important to know what is going on. To know, that she is capable to inspire him, it means is capable to bear a man as a Soul, and then she mustn’t stop the «pregnancy». You see if a mother suddenly feels, that an embryo in her womb pulls from her organism calcium, and because of it her teeth are destroying, will she trade with that, whom she is carrying? Will she stop her pregnancy?
        It’s a pity, that almost everywhere it is accepted to stop the spiritual pregnancy, because they do not know the law. We understand, that on the Earth there are many undeveloped beings, which can use the woman’s inspiration. But one need, at last, to take into consideration what for this inspiration is given. We must know it! And a man and a woman must be filled with it! Until a woman inspires a man, keep his high image, consciously or unconsciously changes his fields, lifts they hierarchical activity, a man never rebels and will do everything as it is needed.
        Do you remember in «The Gospel according to Magdalene» there are the lines: «Search for the Godmother, serve Her», - it means search for those, who inspires you without a trade, and serve them, because it will be easy for you to serve them. You easily will flow your solid form of arms, creativity, and knowledge into the intelligent highest state, which will become your Soul.

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