
      In front of us we see our cosmic Mother - theforemother of all, of everything existing now. It is the woman's essence corresponding to the principle of Father God - Parabrachman. She appears before us creating the Soul from fire and light. It is a prototype of a physical man. Lotos - the womb growing from the crown (the trunk of the creation crown) is opening and light-bearing soul appears out of it -it is the source of our life. Mother has a necklace and ornaments made of skulls symbolizing the beginning and the end; the birth and destruction of forms at the end of a cycle of time that corresponds to the period of our existence. The mysterious Sirius is a cosmic system of victorious Kindness - an oasis of love, will and wisdom. In the lower part of the composition, on the surface of a crystal table we see the Founders of Great Religions: Buddha and Christ, and the Great Initiated Saint Shri Krishna. A unique all embracing idea is uniting all parts of the painting. It is the idea of primary source of creation. Hence, the idea that is uniting us: we have one Common Father -for all of us.

(À. Rekunenko)