
      Sarasvati (The Goddess Swan) is the guide of Mahatm Shambala. She is the wife of the God Brahma, the third member of Eternal Trinity (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma). Sarasvati realized the wedding of the sky and the earth. It is she who creates the heavenly wedding - Salvation and Eternal Bliss. The theme of the Goddess Swan, according to the interpretation of mystics and Initiated, is connected with the radiation of energy from the constellation Swan and also with the source of energy of human Monade. Hence, Brachmanic title Paramahansa - the Great Swan, marking transformation of human being on his way to the initiation - the approach to the Wedding Palace, to the union with the Father in Heaven. Swan Fidelity is the conception of the same kind. It is the fidelity of people that do not betray their spiritual ideals. Here we can recollect the traditional Swan at the Russian weddings. Lada means Swan; Princess means Swan; Zeus, again, Swan -they are all symbols of mysteries, connected with their own cosmic source - the constellation.

(A. Rekunenko)