
      This painting reflects the theme of the holy diada which is the basis of different world cultures. The mystery of the holy conjugal couple is founded on the central idea of the creation by God of two elements which add each other - woman's and man's. The principle constitute the basis of the whole cosmic creation. You can read about it in the Bible and many oriental religions are based on this phenomena. The central couple reflects the onward movement which we call "the evolution". The Wolf- the keeper of the diada - is a transform of God Serapis, the secret protector of the Conjugal Chamber. In the composition of the painting are consecutively included the stages of the mysterious movement: the Magic Carpet and couples: Oziris and Izida, Shiva - Parvati on the bull Nandi, Danila the Master - the Mistress of the Copper Mouantain, then the Girl and the Unicorn, the Girl the Soul and the Blacksmith, Kama and Rati. The meeting of the Queen with the Heavenly King crowns this line.

(A. Rekunenko)